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    The Impact of COVID-19

    The Impact of COVID-19 on the Construction Industry.

    Over the past couple of years we’ve seen businesses in every sector face the unexpected challenges of a global pandemic.

    For some businesses, Covid-19 has been a positive experience and a lot of businesses have thrived during these difficult times whilst others have suffered massive trade restrictions, drops in demand, and reduced availability of goods, services and workers.

    The construction industry is one sector that was hit particularly hard by COVID-19 at first, with government guidelines putting a stop to construction work in March 2020. However, construction workers were able to return to work in May and lockdown brought opportunity. People spent months at home and saw this as a time they could dedicate to revamping their home.


    Rethinking Construction Methods

    As a result of the pandemic, there were a lot of new regulations put in place. New PPE was brought in, as well as social distancing and these restrictions were a main factor in enabling us to get back to work.

    Construction naturally requires a physical presence for many team members; so these restrictions have been paramount in keeping both the workforce and the public safe.


    The New Normal for the Construction Sector

    With government restrictions now fading, we have had to evaluate whether any of the new rules are worth keeping – the answer is yes. With Covid-19 still being very present today, it’s imperative to keep contact to a minimum, especially to protect our elderly population.

    Hand sanitizer and masks are provided to all of our contractors and they have all been given training in how to keep safe whilst in the working environment. These policies are something we plan to keep in place for the foreseeable future.

    Life hasn’t quite gone back to normal yet, but we are doing our best to adapt to a new and safer future!



    Blog Articles

    Health and Safety on Site

    Health and Safety on Site – Why is it so important?

    In this weeks blog we are going to look at health and safety features and why they are so important. As a customer, H&S is probably something you wouldn’t think about, but it should be, and here is why.

    Health and safety is an important consideration for any construction project. Not just to keep your workforce safe (although this is the most important reason for health and safety), but also to comply with the law. When a health and safety regulation applies to construction work, the law is usually enforced by the HSE, who are the enforcing authority on construction sites.

    Health and safety processes play a vital role in minimising the number of risks on a construction site and, as such, they should be implemented from the start. When managers fail to introduce these health and safety measures, it’s very easy for risks to rise and for accidents to occur as a result.

    It goes without saying that every job comes with at least some level of risk, however, some industries are more prone to dangers than others. The construction industry is certainly one of the more hazardous workplaces, but the vast majority of its associated risks can be avoided with proper health and safety measures.

    n this post, we explain just how crucial it is to introduce the relevant health and safety measures on any construction site, as well as how workers, passers by and the business itself, can be affected without these processes in place.


    Construction sites are ever changing, they often require employees to work from heights, operate large and dangerous machinery, work with sharp and rough materials and handle very heavy loads. It is imperative all construction sites have the correct health and safety measures in place and the workforce need to be trained and fully aware of the implications of what could happen if the procedures aren’t followed.

    The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) found that, staggeringly, the construction industry is responsible for a third of fatal injuries that occur whilst in the workplace. There are so many aspects of the construction trade where injuries and fatalities could occur, for example, falling from a height or being crushed by large objects or machinery.

    ot only are accidents a risk, but also there is a high risk or work related illnesses, including carpal tunnel syndrome, occupational deafness, dermatitis and vibration white finger. These illnesses can develop from constantly being exposed to loud noises, vibrating tools and inhaling dust. Another risk, although rarer, is occupational cancer, caused mainly by exposure to asbestos.

    All these risks sound frightnening, but with the correct procedures they are greatly reduced. Hence why health and safety is so critical.


    The responsibility of the risk assessor doesn’t end with their work force, they will also need to be thinking about the safety of members of the public passing by, especially as they will generally be oblivious to the dangers of a construction site.

    When health and safety measures haven’t been introduced or enforced onto a site the dangers could be catastrophic and could affect the general public just as easily as the workforce.


    When injuries occur, that results in loss of man hours and productivity, which can affect the profitability of the company. If health and safety measures aren’t strictly followed, injuries and illnesses are more likely resulting in less time these employees will be on site.

    There is also the legal aspects to think about. Failing to implement and maintain the proper measures could result in breaking the law and heavy fines from the HSE. In some severe cases the company would be banned from operating.

    To summarise, it is vital all risk assessments, training, PPE and site management is conducted in a way that will keep everyone safe, and keep the site and company running smoothly.


    Blog Articles

    Trust in the Trade – Trust in us!

    What should you look for when researching a building company?


    This week we are going to look at what you should be looking at when choosing your building company – or any other company for that matter.


    There is a legitimate reason why the trade industry has such a bad reputation, and choosing a reliable company can be a minefield, so in this article we are going to take a look at key indications of a good company to use and also how to spot a bad company.


    When you decide you’d like to have some renovations or work done to your home it can be a costly occurrence. Not only in money but in time, so it’s extremely important you choose the company wisely. With so many building ‘cowboys’ around, it’s difficult to know you’re making the right decision and that it’s right for you. Here are some things to look at to help you.


    Previous Projects and Works

    Looking at the previous works completed by a company is a really good indication of their style and standard of work. Make sure to check out their Facebook and Instagram pages and if they have a website, check on there too. We have a multitude of photos on our social media, and if you’d like to see some of our work on something specific, just ask and we will be more than happy to show you.



    Reviews are an excellent way of spotting whether the company is trading at a high standard, as generally, reviews cannot be deleted and sometimes random verifications are conducted. Although the credibility of all reviews cannot be guaranteed, you can usually spot questionable activity relatively easily. If the company is registered with a body such as Check a Trade that is a good indication, as they call customers to verify.


    Personal Recommendations

    Of course, recommendations are the pinnacle of proving the trustworthiness of a company. There is no better way of telling how a company performs than hearing it from someone else first hand. People will normally try to warn you off a company they have had a bad experience from so it’s important to ask around.




    An accreditation acts as a seal of approval and enhances the overall reputation of the company. You should take note of the accreditations and use them as a benchmark in your decision-making on whether to hire the company or not.



    After filtering through companies, you will get to the quotations stage. At this point you will need to consider the following;

    1. Did the company turn up for the quotation when they were supposed to?
    2. How long did the quotation take to get back to you?
    3. How did the surveyor conduct himself?
    4. Did the surveyor have a good understanding of the issues?
    5. Did someone give you a follow up call?

    These points will help you to understand the level of professionalism the company has.



    We always provide honest, free, no hassle advice before pricing and we will only quote for the work that needs doing, rather than seeking that bigger job.


    All of our tradesmen have years of experience within their individual fields, and they are all very skilled. We know this because there is a rigorous vetting process they have to go through before they’re hired. Our company tradesmen are reliable, trustworthy, and professional and as a result we can offer you the utmost construction services.


    The services we provide are always tailored to your individual needs and conducted in a manner we know you will be happy with. We believe in exceeding expectations and going above and beyond to make sure you are 100% happy with the service. We welcome every challenge and we see it right through to the end from the design plan to the clearing up. You will receive a personal visit from a member of our contracts team to ensure works have been carried out as expected.



    Blog Articles

    Renovation Over Relocation?

    A brief insight into why more people than ever are choosing renovation…

    Have you ever watched Grand Designs and thought ‘I could do that!’,

    well, home renovation is your chance. A lived in home is
    bound to show signs of ageing. Maybe the walls have cracks due
    to bad weather conditions (which is unfortunately common
    practice with our British winters), maybe the tiles aren’t as secure
    as they once were or maybe the building is just dated. Renovating
    your home can be done in many different ways, improving,
    redecorating, extending or completely redesigning your home. The
    beauty of owning your own property is that freedom to update
    and change as and when you wish. Whether you’re looking to
    renovate to add value to your property or simply to get that sense
    of satisfaction when you walk through the door Wessex Building
    Contractors is on hand to help you do it.

    A house renovation will add value to not only your home, but also
    your lifestyle, meaning it’s normally money invested rather than
    money spent. In order to make a successful house renovation you
    need to know exactly what you want to achieve. Once this has
    been established you can leave the rest to us. Some reasons for
    renovating could be returning a house to it’s former glory,
    avoiding the stress and money of
    moving, increasing the size or maximizing the value.

    So what is it that people think about when it comes to
    home renovation.

    Staying in the house and area you know.
    Let’s face it, moving house isn’t only the huge hassle of packing up
    every single item you own, it’s also leaving behind all the nostalgia
    your home offers, saying goodbye to your
    neighbours and having to change your details on all of your
    documentation. You would also avoid spending money on stamp
    duty, legal fees, agency fees amongst many other costs associated
    with moving.

    To boost value on your home
    If you’re thinking of selling your home, a renovation will help you
    with a greater profit. It would also boost rental value if you’re
    thinking of letting it out. You can quite easily
    manage to increase the value of your property by more than the
    cost you will spend renovating it. Home renovations can be used
    as a way of boosting your investments.

    Returning your home to it’s former glory.
    Old homes are great to renovate as usually they are larger with
    higher ceilings, meaning a great amount of space to work with. If a
    home was built a long time ago chances are it could have some
    amazing architectural designs, renovating it could reinstate its lost

    Protecting the environment
    With world pollution being at an all time high, many people are
    renovating their homes to meet the needs of a green environment. A
    great bonus to green modifications is that your energy bills will
    subsequently reduce. These modifications could include a more
    efficient heating system, double glazed windows and more efficient

    Last but definitely not least, is feeling comfortable in your home. Your
    comfort at home should be a key factor for renovating. You want to
    live in a place where coming home at
    the end of the day will be something you really look forward to.

    Please call us on 01202 737 858 with any enquiries you may have.


    Blog Articles

    Double Glazing Will Benefit you more than you think…

    What Double Glazing Can Do For You….

    Double glazing isn’t just about aesthetics, it’s also practical, eco-friendly and will save you

    So ,let’s start with the difference between double and single pane glazing.
    Double glazing or insulated glazing uses two panes of glass, thereby significantly
    reducing the amount of heat that enters or exits your home. As a result, your
    house is cooler during summer and warmer during winter. This will save you a small fortune
    on your energy bills.

    Conduction occurs easily with single glazing, as there is only one layer of
    glass between the inside air and outside air, allowing energy to escape more readily.

    Here Are 5 Reasons You Need Double Glazing.

    Better Insulation
    As previously stated, double glazing was developed to provide better
    insulation than the traditional glazing. The two panes of glass act as a
    stronger barrier, and therefore will dramatically reduce the transfer of temperature
    between the inside and the outside. The insulation provided by double glazing will
    also ensure that your interior decor and furniture will not
    experience as much damage from the great temperature fluctuations. You can
    increase the level of protection from UV light by adding a UV window film.

    Noise Reduction
    With so many houses along the main roads and close to the airports the noise reduction your
    glazing will provide could be the difference between a good night’s sleep and falling asleep at
    your desk. With double glazing, your house provides a quiet
    and peaceful environment away from the loud and busy world outside. Your own
    little sanctuary – if you will.

    Increased Security
    Double glazing l will be much more difficult to smash, compared to single glazed
    units. Normally they are also much harder to break open from outside. Making you
    feel moresecure, knowing burglars will not be able to get into your house easily. To
    make it even more secure, you could opt for laminated or toughened glass.

    Increased Property Value
    Aesthetically, double glazing is a lot more appealing to the eye and modernlooking. This willmake it more attractive to potential buyers.

    Easy Maintainability
    As double glazed windows are so common these days, the parts are not only very
    accessible but also reasonably priced. Meaning if you lose your key or notice a ‘blown’
    unit, fixing it will be a quick and easy job.


    Blog Articles

    The Kitchen of your Dreams…

    How is a new kitchen going to benefit you and your family?

    Swanky kitchens seem to be popping up all over social media and television as one of the must-have features of any pinterest-worthy home. It’s the space in the house where social gatherings and quality time together will normally take place, so why not make yours something remarkable? If you love the way your kitchen looks, you’ll be more likely to spend more time there making memories with those you love.



    Under current circumstances we’re spending nearly all of our time at home, so bring some excitement into your life by letting us help you design your very own bespoke kitchen. This will be a great place to relax, cook and socialise with your family during the remainder of lockdown, but also a fantastic way to prepare for better times ahead with extended family and friends. We specialise in creating kitchen/open plan living areas which would subsequently become your socilaising hot spot to entertain guests. So why not transform the beating heart of your home ready for those good times to come post Covid-19?

    Tailoring your kitchen

    Whatever size, there is always a way to fully utilise your space, whether it’s knocking down walls or building an extension we can work with you to create the kitchen of your dreams. With a wide range of bespoke fixtures and fittings available you can really make it your own, whether you like that farmhouse feel or you are after a more sleek, modern look. There are so many options available. Islands have also proven very popular in recent years, in which we can incorporate breakfast bars, great for those busy mornings on the go.

    Energy Efficient / Good for the Environment

    We can work with you to create an energy efficient kitchen with modern appliances that will be more economic, which could cut your electricity bill right down.

    Special Needs / Accessibility

    We can fully adapt your kitchen to meet your individual needs, whether it’s adjustable tables, ramps or a lowered kitchen height, our team will work with you to plan your kitchen ensuring you have complete independence whilst ensuring quality.

    Increase the Value of your Home

    A new kitchen will add value to your home, so often wouldn’t be money spent, rather money invested. A good quality kitchen will last you 20+ years. .

    Save the Hassle of Having to Move

    Moving home is unnecessary when you can pour new life into your old home by working with what’s already there, and getting it exactly how you’d like it.


    General Content


    How is a new kitchen going to benefit you and your family?

    Swanky kitchens seem to be popping up all over social media and television as one of the must-have features of any pinterest-worthy home. It’s the space in the house where social gatherings and quality time together will normally take place, so why not make yours something remarkable? If you love the way your kitchen looks, you’ll be more likely to spend more time there making memories with those you love.


    Presently, under current circumstances we’re spending nearly all of our time at home, so bring some excitement into your life by letting us help you design your very own bespoke kitchen. This will be a great place to relax, cook and socialise with your family during the remainder of lockdown, but also a fantastic way to prepare for better times ahead with extended family and friends. We specialise in creating kitchen/open plan living areas which would subsequently become your socilaising hot spot to entertain guests. So why not transform the beating heart of your home ready for those good times to come post Covid-19?

    Tailoring your kitchen

    Whatever size, there is always a way to fully utilise your space whether it’s knocking down walls or building an extension we can work with you to create the kitchen of your dreams. With a wide range of bespoke fixtures and fittings available you can really make it your own, whether you like that farmhouse feel or you are after a more sleek, modern look. There are so many options available. Islands have also proven very popular in recent years, in which we can incorporate breakfast bars, great for those busy mornings on the go.

    Energy Efficient / Good for the Environment

    We can work with you to create an energy efficient kitchen with modern appliances that will be more economic, which could cut your electricity bill right down.

    Special Needs / Accessibility

    We can fully adapt your kitchen to meet your individual needs, whether it’s adjustable tables, ramps or a lowered kitchen height, our team will work with you to plan your kitchen ensuring you have complete independence whilst ensuring quality.

    Increase the Value of your Home

    A new kitchen will add value to your home, so often wouldn’t be money spent, rather money invested. A good quality kitchen will last you 20+ years. .

    Save the Hassle of Having to Move

    Moving home is unnecessary when you can pour new life into your old home by working with what’s already there, and getting it exactly how you’d like it

    Blog Articles

    Winter Home Improvements

    Winter Home Improvements


    With the current climate ever changing, our homes have become more than just a place to rest and recuperate. For many, homes have become our shelter, our security and even our place of work. We’ve compiled a few ideas for ways to make your home even better this winter. Should any of these appeal, get in touch with a member of our friendly team today for a free, no obligation quotation.

    1. Redecorate

    Our homes are getting a lot of extra use this year! With kids having time off school, and the government asking employees to work from home where they can, we’ve been at home a lot more! Whereas this does have its upsides (working from bed, anyone?) it does mean that our homes are seeing a lot more wear and tear than they would do normally. Consider getting in a decorator this autumn. You home will feel cosy, clean and up to date. Whether it is a wallpapering, plastering or painting job, a freshen up can do wonders to your home environment, keeping you feeling safe, cosy and happy in your property.


    2. Extend and Open

    Does your home feel somehow smaller? Spending so much time there, it almost feels like our houses have shrunk, especially when your dining table has become your home office! Consider an extension to provide your home with some more space, and ultimately add value to your property (you can read about the benefits here). An extension will allow you to have a purpose built office or study, giving you that little bit of extra comfort as you work from home.

    If you’re not keen for a full extension, considering opening up some space in your home by removing pillars or chimney breasts, or even knocking down a wall to create one large room out of two smaller rooms. You’ll be amazed at how much space you can open up!

    3. Radiate

    Radiators are invaluable in the winter – so do you have enough? Are they well situated? Or is there a room in the house that is always a bit chilly? Consider having some new radiators installed to ensure maximum toastiness this winter! Make sure to use someone that can both supply the radiator, and ensure it’s properly connected to the plumbing! Luckily, our fully qualified team can help with that!

    4. Prepare For Summer

    It may not seem like the best weather, but winter can be an ideal time to erect a gazebo or summerhouse, ready for the fine weather in Spring. Whilst it’s a little greyer, look forward to optimistic times by getting ready for a gorgeous summer – and what better way to enjoy the fine weather than with a glass gazebo?! Conservatories are also a great option- they can be glass or brick with attractive skylights, giving you an oasis of calm during the summer months.

    5. Double Glaze

    One of the main ways in which we lose heat during the winter months is through old glazing. Make sure to get all your windows replaced with double glazing as this could save you a fortune in heating bills! Not to mention, double glazing reduces condensation and so will make sure you don’t get any mould around the windows in the colder months. It also significantly reduces noise, and, whereas it keeps the heat in the winter, it’s also cooler in the summer. This is because the glazing can trap some of the sun’s rays as they shine into your house! A win all round!

    Blog Articles

    Extension: To Build Or Not To Build?

    That Is The Question!

    Nowadays, more and more people are opting for modifications to their homes that allow for a larger living space. Whether that’s knocking down walls to transform two rooms into one, removing chimneys and pillars to create more space, or building an extension, larger living spaces are more popular than ever.

    The most popular choice by far is creating a whole new extension to your home. Extensions are often considered time consuming and a big commitment, but customers are consistently delighted with the results! So why should you consider getting an extension?

    Why An Extension?

    1. More Space

    This one is a given – but it’s not just a little more space, like removing a pillar or chimney. It’s a lot more space! Think of what you and your family could do with all that room! A popular extension choice is to elongate the kitchen – giving you extra space for new appliances, a built in breakfast nook or dining table!

    2. A New Room

    Extensions don’t have to be an extended version of an existing room; you could purpose build your own new study, or perhaps a guest bedroom? Need another bathroom downstairs- hey presto! And in this uncertain time of lockdowns, why not consider an extension to pursue your hobby; a new room could become an art studio, VR gaming room or a little library.

    3. Air Bnb

    Air Bnb has become insanely popular over the last few years, and whereas right now might not be the best time to stay away from home, creating an extension to allow for a guest room could be a lucrative future investment. Consider French doors opening onto your garden/patio space, and installing an ensuite for a fabulous guest experience.

    4. Storage

    Most of us have too much stuff for our homes – and an extension solves that! Imagine all the room! A handy place to store bicycles, garden items, books, you name it – an extension can really open up the rest of your house, now that you have a place to store your larger and bulkier items!

    5. Value

    When it finally comes time to sell your house, extensions add a huge amount of value to your asking price. Adding an extra bedroom can add value of up to £20,000 to a house, and an extra bathroom, utility room or study are all lucrative additions to your home, and very attractive to potential buyers.

    Finished extenstion

    If you’re thinking about creating an extension, get in touch with Wessex Building Contractors today for a free, no obligation quote!



    General Content

    Electrical Services – NEW!

    wessex electrical contractors

    In 2020, Wessex Building Contractors launched a sister partnership and created an electrical branch- Wessex Electrical Contractors. 

    Here at Wessex Building Contractors, we realised that in order to offer a total package, on top of building, plumbing and decorating, we could help our customers by also including any electrical work, meaning you only need to hire one person, cutting down your time and cost!

    We went into partnership with senior electrician Neil, to ensure that all your home and business needs are taken care of, with the highest standard of professionalism and care. We can provide rewiring, wiring, replacement consumer units, EICR’s, maintenance and emergency call outs – so you can rest assured that your electrical requirements are in good hands.

    If you have any questions and queries, or would like a quote for any works please give our friendly team a ring on 01202 737 858 or contact us here.